Agents of diseases are microorganisms that carry and transmit infections and diseases from one person or place to another. These agents include viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa.
Viruses are tiny pathogens that contain genetic material and lack the complex structure of a cell. They must enter the cell of other living beings to replicate and use the cell’s components and materials to make copies of themselves. When a virus enters the body, it makes the body cells resemble its own and the body starts working for it. This is why it can be difficult to cure a virus.
Bacteria are microscopic single-celled organisms that exist in almost every environment on Earth, including inside and outside the human body. Many bacteria are harmless and live in the body as normal flora, which helps the body function properly by killing invading microorganisms. However, bacteria can also cause infections that can damage the body. Sometimes, infections can be caused by normal flora leaving their natural habitat and entering another part of the body where they are not needed.
Fungi are types of microorganisms that include yeast, mold, and mushrooms. Fungal infections can occur anywhere in the body, but they commonly affect the skin and mucous membranes. Examples of fungal infections include Candida albicans, which normally occurs in the vagina due to an overgrowth of normal flora.
Protozoa are microscopic organisms that typically consist of a single cell. Some protozoa are parasitic in nature and live on or inside another organism, using the organism’s nutrients for their own survival.
To prevent communicable diseases, there are four types of prevention: premordial, primary, secondary, and tertiary.
Premordial prevention seeks to prevent diseases at a very early stage, often before the risk factor is present in a particular context. This involves encouraging the development of lifestyles, behavior, and exposure patterns that contribute to a lower risk of diseases.
Primary prevention involves preventing diseases through the control of exposure to the risk factor. Examples of primary prevention measures include immunization, personal hygiene, hand washing, positive health habits, and careful control of weights. This level of prevention can be divided into two categories: primary prevention methods aimed at building the body’s resistance to infection and primary preventive methods through environmental control.
Secondary prevention involves preventive activities aimed at detection, thereby increasing opportunities for intervention to prevent the progression of the disease and the emergence of symptoms. Examples include early diagnosis and treatment of diseases to prevent further complications.
Tertiary prevention involves applying measures to reduce or eliminate long-term impairment and disabilities, minimizing suffering caused by existing disease conditions. This helps to reduce the negative impact of an already established disease by restoring functions and reducing related complications. Examples include rehabilitative measures such as occupational therapy.
There are three classifications of preventions: universal, selective, and indicated. Universal prevention addresses the entire population and aims to prevent the spread of diseases. Selective prevention focuses on groups whose risk of developing a problem is above average. Indicated prevention involves a screening process aimed at identifying individuals who exhibit early signs of the disease.
In conclusion, agents of diseases are microorganisms that can cause infections and diseases in humans. To prevent communicable diseases, it is important to take measures such as promoting healthy lifestyles, practicing good hygiene, and seeking early diagnosis and treatment. Universal, selective, and indicated prevention measures can also be employed to control the spread of diseases and protect individuals and populations from their harmful effects.